Sunday, December 2, 2018

Kindness & Coffee Matter!

Gobble! Gobble! Gobble! I know as you read that you could hear the sound of a turkey gobbling, couldn’t you?! I haven’t even eaten yet and my pants already feel tight so you know what that means….. only 2 pieces of pie for me and the diet officially begins after all the Thanksgiving leftovers are out of the fridge.

It’s Thanksgiving! A time where we see family that we haven’t seen in a while, a time to visit and catch up and talk about funny stories from the past and a time to over indulge in comfort foods and desserts! From my Aunt Michelle’s delicious 7 layer jello to grandma Pollick’s famous double crusted apple pie; we make time to gather and give thanks for all we have.

Of course, the Thanksgiving season is the perfect time to be grateful for what and who we have in our lives and it’s the perfect opportunity to give back to others through showing kindness. I mean, if we can’t pay it forward during the holiday season what kind of cotton headed ninny muggins are we (if you haven’t seen the movie ELF you won’t get that last line AND we can’t be friends).

This week I have an idea to scatter kindness in your community by paying it forward to someone! I have a super simple idea that is a great way to spread holiday cheer! I am sure in your town you have a great coffee shop or at least a Starbucks close by! I would like to encourage you to stop in and get a cup of coffee or hot cocoa and pay for the person behind you in line! It’s that simple. If you run through the Starbucks drive thru on your way to work, pay for the car behind you! Can you imagine walking in to buy a caramel apple cider and hearing the clerk tell you someone else paid for your drink already?! I don’t know about you but that would make my day!

The holidays can sometimes be stressful with trying to get everything checked off your list like finishing up the last minute home projects before you have a house full of company or trying to keep your schedule straight with all the kid’s holiday performances, plays and cookie exchanges. This pay it forward idea is a fun, cheap and easy way to do something good for others, to put a smile on someone’s face, and, let’s be honest, you were going to stop in to load up on that caffeine anyway to help you get your list done!

The ripple effect your kind gesture can make is actually truly astounding. I heard a story about a McDonald’s drive thru in Indiana where 167 customers paid it forward in one day. It all started with one customer paying for the car behind them and then each car after that paid it forward for the vehicle behind them, and so on. There was only one customer among the 167 cars that was about to break the streak and all of the McDonald’s employees pulled their money together so the streak didn’t stop.  It started with one. One person that decided to be kind and pay for the car behind them and it ended at 167. Talk about a ripple effect and what one kind gesture can do for the community; for the world! 

I’ll be that one this week. Will you join me? Let’s pay it forward together and make our world a better, more caffeinated place…. One cup of coffee at a time.


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